Pierre-Auguste Renoir: Catalogue Raisonné Project
Pierre-Auguste Renoir: Catalogue Raisonné Project Read More »
This definitive five-volume catalogue raisonné documents the entire body of painting and sculpture made by Johns between 1954 and 2014, encompassing 355 paintings and 86 sculptures.
Following the publication of the digital catalogue raisonné of The Paintings of Paul Gauguin, 1891–1903, WPI is now preparing the catalogue raisonné of the paintings from Gauguin’s Breton period, 1889–1891. Commentaries and analysis authored by Sylvie Crussard will complement the cataloguing data. In support of this work, the WPI researchers have conducted extensive research and examined archival material and documents gathered by Georges Wildenstein, Daniel Wildenstein and the Wildenstein Institute since the 1920s. These digital volumes will be freely accessible on the WPI website.