Unprocessed Archives

From the early 20th century until its closing in 2016, the Wildenstein Institute assembled a vast collection of documentation and archival materials to support catalogue raisonné research and the work of its publishing imprints such as Beaux-Arts and Gazette des Beaux-Arts. In an effort to increase access to these archival collections, the WPI offers a fee-based, scan-on-demand service, which allows researchers to purchase digitized copies of materials from the finding aids listed below.

To receive a quote, please email the WPI at info@wpi.art with the name of the collection and the box number(s) of interest.

Please note that these resources are not available for onsite consultation.

  • Dates: unknown
    Extent: 144 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Françoise de La Moureyre and Henriette Dumuis. French Sculptors of the 17th and 18th centuries. Paris: Wildenstein Foundation and Bruno Cassirer (vol. I to III) and Wildenstein Institute and Faber & Faber (vol. 4), 1977–1993.

    Box 1: Andre - Arcis - Bertin 

    Box 2: Barois - Buirette - Blanchard 

    Box 3: Bertrand - Bourderelle - Bourdiet 

    Box 4: Carlier - Cayot - Clérion - Collignon - Cornu - Cotton

    Box 5: Chauveau - Charpentier - Coudray 

    Box 6: Nicolas et Guillaume Coustou - Biography - Diverses œuvres

    Box 7: Nicolas et Guillaume Coustou - Versailles - Marly - Paris - Province 

    Box 8: Coyzevox

    Box 9: Dedieu - Defer

    Box 10: Desjardins

    Box 11: J. Desjardins - Dossier - Drouilly - Dumont 

    Box 12: Flamen - Fontelle - Francois - Sc12

    Box 14: Garnier - Gerard - Girardin - Gobert - Boy 

    Box 15: Girardon

    Box 16: Gobert 

    Box 17: Granier - Grettepin - Hardy - Hérard

    Box 18: Hulot - Hurtrelle - Hutinot

    Box 19: Houzeau - Jacquet 

    Box 20: Joly - Jouvenet

    Box 21: Lacroix - La Perdrix - Lapierre - Laviron - Le Comte - Le Conte

    Box 22: Lefevre - Legendre - Legrand

    Box 23: Legeret - Legros I

    Box 24: Legros II

    Box 25: Le Hongre

    Box 26: Robert Le Lorrain

    Box 27: J. L. et J. B. I.  Lemoyne

    Box 28: Lepautre

    Box 29: Dynastie des Lepautre

    Box 30: Lerambert

    Box 31: Lespagnandelle - Lespingola

    Box 32: Laurent and Philippe Magnier 

    Box 33: Famille Magnier

    Box 34: Les Marsy

    Box 35: Martin - Monier - Nourrisson

    Box 36: B. and F.B. Massou

    Box 37: Mazeline

    Box 38: Mazière

    Box 39: Barthélémy de Mélo

    Box 40: Poultier 

    Box 41: Poirier - Prou - Puget 

    Box 42: Raynol - Renard - Roger - Rousselet

    Box 43: Regnaudin

    Box 44: Raon - Sibrayque - Sloutz

    Box 45: Théodon

    Box 46: Thierry - Tuby - Biographie - J.B. II 

    Box 47: Tuby - Œuvres 

    Box 48: Van Clève - Biographie - Vigier 

    Box 49: Van Clève

    Box 50: Vassé - Biographie - Oeuvres Diverses

    Box 51: Vassé - Notre Dame - Versailles - Maisons Royales

    Box 52: Autres Sculpteurs Non Traités

    Box 53: Marbriers - Mouleurs - Fondeurs 

    Box 54: Sculpteurs

    Box 55: French Sculptors - French text

    Box 56: French Sculptors - French text

    Box 57: French Sculptors - M-R - French text

    Box 58: French Sculptors - S-V - French text

    Box 59: French Sculptors - French text - Vol IV 

    Box 60: Bruno Pons 1-HH 

    Box 60 bis: Bruno Pons III-IV 

    Box 61: A and B 

    Box 62: C 

    Box 63: D and E

    Box 64: F and G 

    Box 65: H to L

    Box 66: M 

    Box 67: N to R 

    Box 68: A A Saints 

    Box 69: T à Z 

    Box 70: Paris Civil - Hôtels

    Box 71: Paris Civil - Institut - Places - Portes - Fontaines - Palais - Jardins

    Box 72: Louvre - Palais 

    Box 73: Paris Religieux

    Box 74: Invalides

    Box 75: Invalides (Dossiers)

    Box 76: Compagnes de Diane (Dossiers)

    Box 77: Compagnes de Diane - Vases - Signatures

    Box 78: Versailles - Parcs - Jardins - Gravures

    Box 79: Versailles - Colonnade - Allée d'eau - Parterre d'eau 

    Box 80: Tombeaux

    Box 81: Parnasse François Labyrinthe

    Box 82: Dessins

    Box 83: Dossiers - Versailles - Château - Appartements - Façade - Chapelle 

    Box 84: Versailles - Statues des Façades - Cour de Marbre - Corps Central - Ailes Midi-Nord - Offices

    Box 85: Versailles - Details Décoratifs - Mascarons 

    Box 86: Versailles - Château Appartements 

    Box 87: Versailles - Chapelle Intérieur 

    Box 88: Versailles - Chapelle Extérieur

    Box 89: Versailles - Ville Ménagerie

    Box 90: Versailles - Jardins - Dossiers

    Box 91: Versailles - Parc - Bosquets

    Box 92: Trianon - Marly

    Box 93: Versailles - Ville - Trianon - Marly (Dossiers) 

    Box 94: Province, Amiens - Angers - Arles - Calais - Chaalis - Chamarande - Chantilly - Chartres - Lunéville - Lyon - Nancy - Narbonne - Orléans - Thoiry - Toulouse

    Box 95: Clagny - Saint-Cyr - La Muette - Meudon - Saint-Cloud 

    Box 96: Italie

    Box 97: Angleterre - Allemagne - Suède

    Box 98: Espagne - La Granja - Madrid - Aranjuez 

    Box 99: Anonymous sculptors

    Box 100: Anonymous sculptors

    Box 101: Anonymous sculptors

    Box 102: Anonymous sculptors

    Box 103: Anonymous sculptors - Sales 1885-1899

    Box 104: Anonymous sculptors - Sales 1900-1909

    Box 105: Anonymous sculptors - Sales 1911-1918 / 1941-1975

    Box 106: Anonymous sculptors - Sales A

    Box 107: Anonymous sculptors - Sales Barye 

    Box 108: Sculptors Sales, Barye 

    Box 109: Sculptors Sales, Ba-Bouchardon 

    Box 110: Sculptors Sales, Bouche-Bu

    Box 111: Sculptors, C 

    Box 112: Sales - Sculptors - Carrier A - Carries G - Couston - Coujon

    Box 113: Sculptor - Carrier-Belleuse

    Box 114: Sculptor  - Caffieri - Carpeaux - Clésinger

    Box 115: Carpeaux 

    Box 116: Carpeaux

    Box 117: Sculptor - Clodion 

    Box 118: Sculptor - D 

    Box 119: [no description] 

    Box 120: Sculptors Sales to file

    Box 121: Sculptors - Sales E-F - Sc121

    Box 122: Sculptors - Sales G A J 

    Box 123: Sculptors - Sales

    Box 124: Sculptors - Sales M 

    Box 125: Sculptors - Sales Madrassi Merie

    Box 126: Sculptors - Sales - M A P

    Box 127: Sculptors - Sales Pajou - 29n 

    Box 128: Sculptors - Sales Exhibitions Museums - Puget - 30n 

    Box 129: Sculptors - Sales Rachetti Rivoulon - 31n

    Box 130: Saly - 32n - Sculptors - Sales 

    Box 131: Sculptors - Sales - S-Z 

    Box 132: Petits Carnets - Sculpteur

    Box 132: Petits Carnets - Sculpteur

    Box 134: Petits Carnets - Sculpteur 

    Box 135: Petits Carnets - Sculpteur

  • Dates: 1777–1788
    Extent: 10 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Pahin de La Blancherie. Nouvelles de la République des Lettres et des Arts. Paris, 1777-1788.

    Box 1: Deleted articles

    Box 2: Administration

    Box 3: Prospectus and announcements

    Box 4: Issues of Nouvelles de la République des Lettres et des Arts, 1779

    Box 5: Issues of Nouvelles de la République des Lettres et des Arts, 1779–1781

    Box 6: Issues of Nouvelles de la République des Lettres et des Arts, 1782

    Box 7: Issues of Nouvelles de la République des Lettres et des Arts, 1783

    Box 8: Issues of Nouvelles de la République des Lettres et des Arts, 1784–1785

    Box 9: Issues of Nouvelles de la République des Lettres et des Arts, 1786

    Box 10: Issues of Nouvelles de la République des Lettres et des Arts, 1787–1788

  • Dates: c. 1920s
    Extent: 2 archival boxes

    Archives related to the publication of: Georges Wildenstein. Le peintre Aved: sa vie et son oeuvre (1702–1766). Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, 1922.

    Box 1: Dossiers on paintings (Portraits of men, women, and children) and articles

    Box 2: Dossier on Portrait of Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon

  • Dates: unknown
    Extent: 26 archival boxes

    Boxes 1–13, 21–26: Documentation

    • Archive of Souvenirs de l'exode du Louvre, Paris: Somogy, 1992; exhibition L'Italie vue par les peintres français de 1700 à 1900, Rome, 1961; Corot, Paris: P. Tisné, 1942; Corot raconté par lui-même et par ses amis, Genève: P. Cailler, 1946; Le temps des musées, Bruxelles: Desoer, 1967; Histoire de l'histoire de l'art, Paris: Albin Michel, 1986
    • Attributions
    • France, 17th-18th centuries
    • Neoclassicism
    • Romanticism
    • Northern schools, 20th century
    • Georges de La Tour 
    • Adolphe Monticelli
    • Impressionism
    • Exhibitions 

    Boxes 14–20: Dossiers on works attributed to Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

    • Paintings
    • Works on papers
    • School of Corot
  • Date: 1990s
    Extent: 49 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Patrick Offenstadt, Jean Béraud, 1849–1935: The Belle Époque: A Dream of Times Gone by. Paris: Wildenstein Institute and Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 1999.

    Boxes 198-200: Bibliography 1874–1893

    Box 201: Press review of the Carnavalet exhibition

    Box 202: Exhibition catalogues
    Les débats (Renseignements)
    Ernest Renan, 1823–1892: Un Celte en Orient, Musée de Saint-Brieuc, July 1–October 18, 1992; Musée de Bretagne, Rennes, November 4, 1992–January 4, 1993; Louis Vialle, La Pensée de Jean Bourdeau, Paris: ditions Bénaud, 1929; Paul Gaultier, Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. Jean Bourdeau (1848–1928), 1931

    Boxes 203–204: Thematic dossiers on works not included in the catalogue raisonné
    Interiors et theater scenes
    Landscapes without figures
    Exterior scenes (drawings and watercolors)
    Still lifes

    Boxes 206–208: Documentation
    Biographical information and Béraud and his family
    Giraudon ektas
    Fabrice negatives
    Collectors, galleries, and museums

    Box 210: Thematic dossiers on works to be included in the Supplement
    Portraits of women
    Portraits of men
    Still lifes
    Religious scenes
    Interior scenes
    Exterior scenes

    Box 211: Thematic dossiers on included works on paper
    Interior scenes
    Exterior scenes
    Early drawings

    Box 212: Photographs of artworks

    Boxes 213-226: Dossiers on works included in the catalogue raisonné
    Dossiers are organized by catalogue number, no. 1 to no. 478

    Box 209, 227, 246: Publication
    CD-Rom copy of publication
    Correspondence with publisher

    Boxes 228-231, 234-235, 237-238: Correspondence
    Auction houses
    Museums and galleries
    Misc. correspondence

    Box 232: Other works
    Engravings and sketches related to paintings

    Boxes 233, 242: Béraud
    Documents on Béraud’s life
    Portraits of Béraud
    Letters by Béraud

    Box 236: Attestations

    Box 239: Yznaga dossier

    Boxes 240–241: Exhibition history

    Boxes 205 and 243: Sales (1879-1993)

    Boxes 244–245: Comparative images and illustrations

  • Dates: c. 1950–1960
    Extent: 111 archival boxes

    Archives related to the following publications:
    Alexandre Ananoff. L'Œuvre dessiné de François Boucher (1703-1770). Paris: F. De Nobele, Libraire, 1966.
    Alexandre Ananoff and Daniel Wildenstein. François Boucher. Paris: La Bibliothèque des Arts, 1976.
    Alexandre Ananoff and Daniel Wildenstein. L’Opera completa di Boucher. Milan: Rizzoli, 1980.

    Boxes 7506400–02; 7506404; 7506406–15; 7487704; 7506235–46; 7506312; 7506336–37, 7506350; 7506363-64:  Catalogue Raisonné Research Files

    • Alexandre Ananoff’s manuscripts
    • Work files
    • Books on Boucher
    • Annotated bibliographies
    • Chronologies
    • Exhibitions
    • Iconography
    • Binders and metallic box

    Boxes 7487714–16; 7506208-09; 7506227–29; 7487689–97; 7487705–12; 7506334; 7506374: Alexandre Ananoff’s files, organized by catalogue number

    • Catalogue number 1 to 50
    • Catalogue number 51 to 90
    • Catalogue number 91 to 132
    • Catalogue number 133 to 169
    • Catalogue number 170 to 212
    • Catalogue number 214 to 245
    • Catalogue number 246 to 278
    • Catalogue number 279 to 300
    • Catalogue number 301 to 333
    • Catalogue number 334 to 360
    • Catalogue number 361 to 390
    • Catalogue number 391 to 414
    • Catalogue number 415 to 436
    • Catalogue number 437 to 463
    • Catalogue number 464 to 491
    • Photographs

    Boxes 7487713; 7506163-68; 7506180–81; 7506199–207; 7506247–51; 7506286; 7506308–11; 7506326–33; 7506338–39; 7506341–42; 7506344–48; 7506350; 7506360–62; 7506363: Dossiers on paintings, organized thematically

    • Figures in compositions
    • Figures: shepherds and shepherdesses, milk lady, painter, messenger, fantasy, musicians, gardener
    • Landscapes with windmills or bridges
    • Landscapes with bridges or footpaths
    • Landscapes with waterways, fountains, dovecotes, or hamlets 
    • Landscape: Roman Landscape, with wines, chimeras, with an arch
    • Landscapes, Allegories
    • Landscapes, animals, pastoral scenes, figures, galant scenes
    • Pastorals, animals, chinoiseries, turqueries
    • Everyday life scenes: family reunion, entertainment, 
    • Everyday life scenes: genre scenes, indoor galant scenes, still lifes
    • Scenes of joy
    • Country scenes
    • Femininity: nudes, odalisques, women bathing
    • Mythology
    • Mythology: Goddesses
    • Mythology: Goddesses
    • Mythology: Goddesses
    • Mythology: Love between gods, battles of gods
    • Mythology: Heroes and divinities
    • Mythology: Heroes and divinities, gods
    • Mythology: Muses and nymphs, bacchantes, and satyres
    • Mythology: Cupids
    • Mythological subjects, nymphs, Jupiter, Venus
    • Mythological subjects not described, A to Z
    • Metamorphosis: Adonis, Jupiter
    • Metamorphosis: Pan and Syrinx, Psyche, Arethusa and Alpheus
    • Allegories: Arts, sciences, and techniques
    • Allegories: Seasons, time
    • Allegories: Five elements, maternity, peace, vertus, history
    • Pastorals portraits
    • Academies, busts, heads, groups of figures, young women, children
    • Academies, busts, studies of heads, women
    • Nudes
    • Academies, young men, architecture, ornaments, historical subjects, religious subjects
    • Portraits
    • Portraits: Children, men
    • Childhood: Country children, children playing, cupids and putto
    • Cupids, subjects not described, galant subjects
    • Religious subjects
    • Religious subjects, New Testament
    • Religious subjects, Old Testament
    • Religious subjects: Life of Virgin Mary, apostles, martyrs, and saints
    • Paintings without photographs
    • Bust of Pompadour
    • Marquise de Pompadour
    • Studies: Men (nudes, dressed), women (nudes, dressed), children, groups, heads, portraits

    Boxes 7506169-71; 7506173-75; 7506178; 7506284; 7506287; 7506340; 7506372: Dossiers on drawings,

    • Landscapes and allegories 
    • Mythology and ancient history
    • Allegories, decorative arts projects, exotic subjects, and miscellaneous drawings
    • Allegories, history, decors, family subjects, galant scenes, mythology, nude women
    • Old testament, new testament, modern history
    • Tapisseries 
    • Drawings with no relationship to paintings: Mythology and Metamorphosis; Drawings related to paintings: Sources, naiads, bacchantes, flames, Cupids
    • Drawings related to paintings: everyday life, pastoral and country scenes; Drawings with no relationship to paintings: pastoral and country scenes
    • Illustrations of literary texts: Le Tasse, Doryas, Le Sophiste, La Fontaine

    Boxes 7506314-18; 7506343: Decorative arts and decors

    • Château de la Muette, Les Folies de Chartres
    • Salon Demarteau, Hotel de Frouville, Marcilly
    • Cabinet des chasses Versailles,  Boudoir du château de Crécy
    • Chinoiseries, sketches of the Beauvais tapisseries, Besançon; Turqueries
    • Soubise paravents of the Wallace Collection
    • Theater and opera decors, illustrations for other projects

    Boxes 7506168; 7506171; 7506176-77: Dossiers on engravings

    • Engravings of Boucher’s work organized alphabetically by engraver’s name, A to L
    • Engravings of Boucher’s work organized alphabetically by engraver’s name, M to W
    • Tapisseries

    Boxes 7506218-19; 7506285; 7506313: Works not included

    • Boucher studio
    • Religious subjects, landscapes, interior scenes, still lifes, chinoiseries, allegories, tapisseries 
    • Portraits of women, men, children, pastoral and galant scenes
  • Dates: c. 1904–2007
    Extent: 8 archival boxes

    André Cauvin (1907–2004) was a Belgian film photographer and film director known for his contribution to Belgian colonial cinema. Please note that the digitization of the glass plates might not be possible. Please email info@wpi.art for inquiries.

    Boxes 1–8: Glass plates and negatives of artworks organized by alphabetical order

    • A to B
    • C to Ma
    • Me to Ro
    • Redon to P
    • R to Z
    • To be identified
  • Dates: c. 1920–2000
    Extent: 40 archival boxes

    Archives related to the following publications:
    Georges Wildenstein. Chardin biographie et catalogue critiques, l’œuvre complet de l'artiste reproduit en deux cent trente-huit héliogravures. Paris: Les Beaux-arts, 1921 and 1933.
    Georges Wildenstein and Daniel Wildenstein. Chardin. Zurich: Manesse, 1963.
    Georges Wildenstein and Daniel Wildenstein. Chardin. Oxford: Cassirer, 1969.
    Pierre Rosenberg and Renaud Temperini. Chardin, suivi du Catalogue des œuvres. Paris: Flammarion, 1999.
    Georges Wildenstein. “Le décor de la vie de Chardin d'après ses tableaux,” La Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1959.
    Exhibition catalogue of Exhibition of paintings by Jean Siméon Chardin. Wildenstein Galleries, New York, 1926.

    Box 1: Two annotated copies of the 1933 edition of Chardin

    Box 2: One annotated copy of the 1933 edition of Chardin

    Box 3: Research materials organized by themes

    Box 4: Research materials (18th century sales, museum catalogues, periodicals); reproduction of attestations from Hourticq, list of paintings from the Rothschild collection at the Louvre during World War 2

    Box 5: Drawings, gouaches, pastels (sales, copies in museums, correspondence, Doucet sale)

    Box 6: Two copies of the manuscript

    Box 7: Manuscript of the introduction, biography, reproductions, annotated copy of the 1933 catalogue

    Box 8: Black and white reproductions

    Box 9: Proofs, 1966

    Box 10: Correspondence with museums (1954–1966)

    Box 11: Drawings, engravings, grisailles, low reliefs organized by theme, books, archives from 1963

    Box 12: Dossier on artworks, no. 1–49

    Box 13: Dossier on artworks, no. 50–100

    Box 14: Dossier on artworks, no. 101–140

    Box 15: Dossier on artworks, no. 141–177

    Box 16: Dossier on artworks, no. 178–205

    Box 17: Dossier on artworks, no. 206–230

    Box 18: Dossier on artworks, no. 231–276

    Box 19: Dossier on artworks, no. 277–323

    Box 20: Dossier on artworks, no. 324–355

    Box 21: Dossier on artworks, no. 356–406

    Box 22: Works not included (unidentified, copies)

    Box 23: Works not included (kitchens, cellars, laundry, no. 6–73 [b. I])

    Box 24: Works not included (mothers and children, no. 76–132 [b. II])

    Box 25: Works not included (genre scenes and young children, no. 139–214b [b. III])

    Box 26: Works not included (draftsmen, women and other genre scenes, no. 225–450 [b. IV])

    Box 27: Works not included (portraits, no. 452–674 [b. V])

    Box 28: Works not included (still lives with cats, dogs, no. 680–696; hunting scenes, no. 699–765; fruits, no. 768–891 [b. VI])

    Box 29: Works not included (tables, kitchenware with fishes and oysters, no. 895–938; tables and kitchenware with meats and poultry, no. 1004–1056 [b. VII])

    Box 30: Works not included (meals, no. 1058–1089; desserts and brioches, no. 1091–1101; musical instruments, no. 1118–1128; flowers, still lives, “singeries,” various animals, low relief imitations, unknown subjects

    Box 31: Works not included (oils, figures)

    Box 32: Works not included (still lives, kitchen tables, birds)

    Box 33: Works not included (animals)

    Box 34: Administration files on English edition

    Box 35: Research on sales organized by subjects and chronologically; drafts of English edition

    Box 36: Corrections and correspondence, 1968–1969

    Box 37: Bibliography, paintings in museum and private collections

    Box 38: Correspondence and research, 1984–2000

    Box 39: Documentation (Goncourt, extrait de L'Art du XVIIIe siècle; Charles de Robillard de Beaurepaire, Essai sur la vie de Chardin, Rouen: impr. de H. Boisset, undated; Baillet de Couronne, Eloge de Chardin, undated; Cochin, Essai sur la vie de Chardin, extrait des travaux de l'Académie des sciences, Belles-Lettres et arts de Rouen, undated; Charles Blanc, “J. B. Siméon Chardin;” Gustave Larroumet, Petits portraits et Notes d'art, “Chardin et le Bénédicité,” Paris: Hachette, 1897;  Charles Normand, J.-B. Siméon Chardin, Paris: E. Moreau, 1901; Inna Nemilova, Les tableaux de Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin au Musée de l'Ermitage, Leningrad: Izd. Gos. Ermitaza, 1961; Louis Gillet, “A propos de l'exposition Fragonard;” Henry de Chennevières,“Chardin au Musée du Louvre,” Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1888; L. de Fourcaud,  “J. B. S. Chardin,” Revue de l'art, 11/1899; “Chardin et Fragonard,” L'Art et les Artistes, n° spécial, 06-07/1907; Georges Wildenstein, “Le caractère de Chardin et sa vie,” Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 12/1933; Roger Gaucheron, Exposition des œuvres de J.-B.-S. Chardin (1699-1799), Paris, Galerie Pigalle, 1929; Armand Dayot, Chardin; Dimier, "Chardin;" and various articles.

    Box 40: Photographic reproductions of artworks

  • Dates: unknown
    Extent: 68 archival boxes

    The materials in this collection were assembled by the Wildenstein Institute for catalogue raisonné research. The catalogue was however never published.

    Box 1: Documentation, 1756-1793

    Box 2: Documentation, 1793-1795

    Box 3: Documentation, 1800-1803

    Box 4: Documentation, 1801-1805

    Box 5: Documentation, 1804, 1805, (1806), 1807

    Box 6: Documentation, 1806-1809

    Box 7: Documentation, 1808-1810

    Box 8: Documentation, 1811-1813

    Box 9: Documentation, 1810-1813

    Box 10: Documentation, 1814-1839

    Box 11: Artwork information, Chapter I to IV

    Box 12: Chapter I (1756-1783)

    Box 13: Chapter II (1784-1787)

    Box 14: Chapter III (1787-1791), part 1

    Box 15: Chapter III (1787-1791), part 2

    Box 16: Chapter IV (1791-1792)

    Box 17: Chapter V (1792-1793)

    Box 18: Chapter VI (1793-1794)

    Box 19: Chapter VII (1794-1799), Medallions part 1

    Box 20: Chapter VII (1794-1799), Medallions part 2

    Box 21: Chapter VII (1794-1799), Busts

    Box 22: Chapter VII (1794-1799), Fêtes révolutionnaires

    Box 23: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Medallions part 3

    Box 24: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Busts, men part 1

    Box 25: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Busts, men part 2

    Box 26: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Marseille

    Box 27: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Joséphine

    Box 28: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Misc., part 1

    Box 29: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Misc., part 2

    Box 30: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Busts, women, part 1

    Box 31: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Madame Récamier

    Box 32:  Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Clermont-Ferrand, Bordeaux

    Box 33:  Chapter VIII (1800-1813), artwork information

    Box 34:  Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Persée and Andromède

    Box 35: Negatives

    Box 36: Works known by written records

    Box 37: Ilford photos

    Boxes 38–39: Artwork dossiers

    Box 40: Correspondence

    Box 41: Press articles

    Box 42: Correspondence, France

    Box 43: List of works sold in New York

    Box 44: Correspondence, France

    Box 45: Archives

    Box 46: Exhibitions

    Box 47: Photocopies of bibliographies

    Box 48: Sales

    Box 49: Chinard

    Box 50: Bibliography, A-D

    Box 51: Bibliography, E-M

    Box 52: Bibliography, O-Z

    Box 53: Published archives

    Box 54: Correspondence, international and Invoices for image reproductions

    Box 55: Bibliography and sales

    Box 56: Correspondence, USA and Europe

    Boxes 57 and 58: Archives not used 

    Box 59: Documentation on Chinard, 1756-1792

    Box 60: Works not included

    Box 61: Documentation on Chinard, 1796-1800

    Box 62: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Busts, women, part 2

    Box 63: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Medallions part 4

    Box 64: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Medallions part 5

    Box 65: Chapter VII (1794-1799), Misc.

    Box 66: Chapter VIII (1800-1813), Busts, men part 3 and Eugène

    Box 67: Archives, unspecified

    Box 68: Archives, unspecified

  • Dates: c. 1990s
    Extent: 3 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Pierre Jacky and Antoine Schnapper. François Desportes (1661-1743), monographie et catalogue raisonné. PhD dissertation, 1999.

    Box 1: Dossiers on artworks organized thematically

    Box 2: Research materials

    Box 3: Research materials

  • Dates: unknown
    Extent: 2 archival boxes

    Félicien Faillet was a French art critic who worked for the periodical L'Illustration. He was the editor of the catalogue of the collections of the Musée des Augustins, Toulouse (1959).

    Boxes 1 & 2: Inventory of Félicien Faillet’s photographs

  • Dates: c. 1950–1990s
    Extent: 110 archival boxes

    Archive related to the following publications:
    Georges Wildenstein. The paintings of Fragonard. London: Phaidon, 1960.
    Gabriele Mandel. L'opera completa di Fragonard. Milan: Rizzoli Editore, 1972.
    Jean-Pierre Cuzin, Jean-Honoré Fragonard. Vie et œuvre. Catalogue complet des peintures. Fribourg: Office du livre, 1987.
    Pierre Rosenberg. Tout l'œuvre peint de Fragonard. Paris, Flammarion, 1989.
    Alexandre Ananoff, L'œuvre dessiné de Jean-Honoré Fragonard. Paris: de Nobele, 1961–1971.

    Box 1: Dossier on paintings no. 1–31

    Box 2: Dossier on paintings no. 32–65

    Box 3: Dossier on paintings no. 66–106

    Box 4: Dossier on paintings no. 107–151

    Box 5: Dossier on paintings no. 152–200

    Box 6: Dossier on paintings no. 201–230

    Box 7: Dossier on paintings no. 231–250

    Box 8: Dossier on paintings no. 251–290

    Box 9: Dossier on paintings no. 291–315

    Box 10: Dossier on paintings no. 316–348

    Box 11: Dossier on paintings no. 349–376

    Box 12: Dossier on paintings no. 377–411

    Box 13: Dossier on paintings no. 412–444

    Box 14: Dossier on paintings no. 445–470

    Box 15: Dossier on paintings no. 471–495

    Box 16: Dossier on paintings no. 496–519

    Box 17: Dossier on paintings no. 520–545

    Box 18: Dossier on paintings not included (games; gardens; pastoral scenes; still lives) 

    Box 19: Dossier on paintings not included (galant scenes interior and exterior; galant scenes with two or more figures; copies)

    Box 20: Dossier on paintings not included (galant allegories; women on a bed; women with cupids)

    Box 21: Dossier on paintings not included (kisses and courting scenes; sales and exhibitions)

    Box 22: Dossier on paintings not included (cupids)

    Box 23: Dossier on paintings not included (mythology, A–N)

    Box 24: Dossier on paintings not included (mythology, O–Z)

    Box 25: Dossier on paintings not included (allegories and literary scenes)

    Box 26: Dossier on paintings not included (“oriental” scenes; family subjects; artist’s studios; interior scenes)

    Box 27: Dossier on paintings not included (unidentified men)

    Box 28: Dossier on paintings not included (identified men, A–Z)

    Box 29: Dossier on paintings not included (women; two women; full-length women; women seated; women seated in a garden; women with a fan; busts of women; women with or without hats; couples)

    Box 30: Dossier on paintings not included (portraits of women (interior; musicians; dancers; writing; with animals; bathing; bohemians; at a window)

    Box 31: Dossier on paintings not included (children)

    Box 32: Dossier on paintings not included (religious subjects; copies after other artists)

    Box 33: Dossier on paintings not included (landscapes with animals and figures)

    Box 34: Dossier on paintings not included (landscapes with animals; hunting scenes; landscapes without bodies of water)

    Box 35: Dossier on paintings not included (decorations; salons; sketches for ceiling paintings or doors)

    Box 36: Dossier on paintings not catalogued by Georges Wildenstein in Pierre Rosenberg’s publication, no. 1–237

    Box 37: Dossier on paintings not catalogued by Georges Wildenstein in Pierre Rosenberg’s publication, following works

    Box 38: Paintings, Bergeret, Mademoiselle Colombe (chronological documentation

    Box 39: Paintings, Le Verrou dossier

    Box 40: Paintings, Press materials for Le Verrou

    Box 41: Paintings, Mademoiselle Gérard and Fragonard, Alexandre Evariste, Hippolyte Nicolas Théophile

    Box 42: Paintings, Ananoff’s Fragonard catalogue annotated

    Box 43: Paintings, research materials from 18th c. sales catalogues

    Box 44: Paintings, drafts of Georges Wildenstein’s catalogue

    Box 45: Paintings, drafts of Georges Wildenstein’s catalogue (first, second, and third sections)

    Box 46: Paintings, drafts of Georges Wildenstein’s catalogue (fourth section)

    Box 47: Paintings, bibliographical materials and corrections

    Box 48: Paintings, bibliographical materials and corrections

    Box 49: Paintings, bibliographical materials and corrections

    Box 50: Paintings, chronology and preface

    Box 51: Documents for the preparation of Georges Wildenstein’s chronology

    Box 52: Documents for the preparation of Georges Wildenstein’s chronology

    Box 53: Documents for the preparation of Georges Wildenstein’s chronology

    Box 54: Paintings, bibliography

    Box 55: Paintings, bibliography

    Box 56: Paintings, bibliographical index

    Box 57: Bibliography

    Box 58: Paintings, archives and sources

    Box 59: Paintings, research materials from the Goncourt archive (Bibliothèque Nationale)

    Box 60: Paintings, plates

    Box 61: Paintings, plates

    Box 62: Paintings, documentation to be organized

    Box 63: Paintings, miscellaneous documents 

    Box 64: Paintings, Georges Wildenstein catalogue, photographs 1–299 

    Box 65: Paintings, Georges Wildenstein catalogue, photographs 300–545

    Box 66: Paintings, Georges Wildenstein catalogue, color photographs 

    Box 67: Engravings, miniatures (Saint–Non, inventory)

    Box 68: Aquafortist

    Box 69: Aquafortist

    Box 70: Aquafortist I–XV

    Box 71: Aquafortist XVI–XXXV

    Box 72: Drawings, Ananoff’s Fragonard photographs

    Box 73: Drawings, photographs of small drawings

    Box 74: Drawings, album of photographs

    Box 75: Drawings Ananoff, no. 2–584

    Box 76: Drawings Ananoff, no. 591–1128

    Box 77: Drawings Ananoff, no. 1157–1918

    Box 78: Drawings Ananoff, no. 1929–2172

    Box 79: Drawings Ananoff, no. 2002–2574

    Box 80: Drawings Ananoff, no. 2576–2702

    Box 81: Drawings to be reviewed

    Box 82: Drawings (cupid, mythology, history, allegory)

    Box 83: Drawings (galant scenes)

    Box 84: Drawings (women, children, men)

    Box 85: Drawings (religious subjects, misc. subject matter, family, literary subjects, illustrations, “oriental” scenes)

    Box 86: Drawings (animals, landscapes, architecture, roman antiquity, works after other artists)

    Box 87: Drawings (landscapes)

    Box 88: Drawings (Italian landscapes)

    Box 89: Drawings (landscapes, France and the Netherlands)

    Box 90: Drawings (landscapes, France, identified location)

    Box 91: Drawings (Italian landscapes including Tivoli and travels to Italy)

    Box 92: Drawings (Italian landscapes: villa d’Este, villa Negroni, Pamphili and round temples)

    Box 93: Drawings (landscapes not catalogued by Ananoff)

    Box 94: Drawings (literary subjects except La Fontaine)

    Box 95: Drawings (literary subject, La Fontaine)

    Box 96: Drawings (allegories, “oriental” scenes, animals)

    Box 97: Drawings (mythology and cupids)

    Box 98: Drawings (galant scenes, titles A–K)

    Box 99: Drawings (galant scenes, titles L–Z)

    Box 100: Drawings (women–heads, busts, and groups; mothers and children; children)

    Box 101: Drawings (women–standing, seated, groups of two women)

    Box 102: Drawings (seated women)

    Box 103: Drawings (men; couples; interior scenes)

    Box 104: Drawings (rustic and family subjects, titles A–H)

    Box 105: Drawings (rustic and family subjects, titles I–Z)

    Box 106: Drawings (history subjects; profanes; or after other artists, Don Quixote)

    Box 107: Drawings (religious subjects after other artists)

    Box 108: Drawings (Ananoff’s work documents and correspondence)

    Box 109: Drawings (research materials and documents)

    Box 110: Drawings (Ektachrome)

  • Dates: c. 1980–1990s
    Extent: 126 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Germain Bazin. Théodore Géricault: Étude Critique, Documents, et Catalogue Raisonné. Paris: Wildenstein Institute/La Bibliothèque des Arts, 1987–1997.

    Boxes 1-52: Dossiers on works included in the publication organized by catalogue number

    • Work files includes photographic reproductions, notes, and photocopies of primary sources and archival documents

    Boxes 53-85, 99, 101, 106, 107-115, 123: Documentation and archives

    • Exhibition history, including some catalogues
    • Bibliography (1924-1989)
    • Sales
    • Press review
    • Correspondence with museums, auction houses, and galleries
    • Photocopies of archival documents and original materials from Azam, Bro, Dieterle, Lebel, Nathan, Duc d’Orléans
    • Photocopies of archival documents and original materials from the institutions including École des Beaux-Arts, Musée du Louvre, and the Winterthur museum
    • Photographic reproductions, illustrations and comparative images
    • Photocopies of archival documents from Géricault and his family

    Boxes 86-91, 100, 102-105: Works not included in the publication

    • Dossiers on individual works organized thematically: horses and equestrian scenes, academies, anatomies, raft, Great-Britain, antiques, compositions, copies, sculptures, Italy, landscapes, orientalism and Black figures, blacksmiths, animals, figures and portraits, mentally ill
    • Dossiers on related works made by Géricault’s friends, students, or copy made by unknown artists and followers

    Boxes 92-98, 116-122, 124-126: Manuscript and proofs

  • Dates: unknown
    Extent: 6 archival boxes

    Boxes 1-6: Archive of Journal de Eugène Delacroix
    Correspondence with editors
    Press clippings
    Notes on artworks, organized thematically

  • Dates: c. 1920s
    Extent: 39 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Georges Wildenstein. Lancret: Biographie et Catalogue Critiques. Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, Édition d’études et de documents, 1924.

    Box 1: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 1–37

    Box 2: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 1–5

    Box 3: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 7–19

    Box 4: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 30–37

    Box 5: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 39–71

    Box 6: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 73–131

    Box 7: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 132–204

    Box 8: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 205–215

    Box 9: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 217–257

    Box 10: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 258–270

    Box 11: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 271–319

    Box 12: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 320–370

    Box 13: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 371–426

    Box 14: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 427–454

    Box 15: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 455–468

    Box 16: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 469–513

    Box 17: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 514–560

    Box 18: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 561–626

    Box 19: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 627–683

    Box 20: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 684–727

    Box 21: Dossiers on paintings, catalogue no. 728–763

    Box 22: Dossiers on paintings not in the catalogue, no. R001–050

    Box 23: Dossiers on paintings not in the catalogue, no. R051–100

    Box 24: New paintings

    Box 25: Engravings, tapestries

    Box 26: Circle, school, and followers of Lancret

    Box 27: Drawings

    Box 28: Drawings

    Box 29: Bibliography

    Box 30: Doucet sale

    Box 31: Research documents to file

    Box 32: Research documents to file

    Box 33: Research documents to file

    Box 34: Administration files

    Box 35: Correspondence, new paintings to examine, drawings (men)

    Box 36: Drawings (women)

    Box 37: Drawings (groups of people)

    Box 38: Drawings (sketches and studies)

    Box 39: Notes

  • Dates: c. 1920s

    Extent: 3 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Georges Pascal. Largillierre. Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, 1928.

    Box 1: Dossiers on artworks (self-portraits, portraits of men)

    Box 2: Dossiers on artworks (portraits of women)

    Box 3: Dossiers on artworks (group portraits; historical, religious, or mythological scenes; still lives; drawings) and documentation

  • Dates: unknown
    Extent: 52 archival boxes

    The materials in this collection were assembled by the Wildenstein Institute for catalogue raisonné research. The catalogue was however never published.

    Boxes 1-5: Paris and its bridges (dossiers on individual works organized thematically)

    Boxes 6-8: Surroundings of Paris (dossiers on individual works organized thematically)

    Boxes 9-19: Normandy (dossiers on individual works organized thematically)

    Boxes 20-23: Other cities, regions, countries

    • Dossiers on individual works organized thematically including Auvergne, Algeria, Dordogne, Netherlands, Switzerland

    Boxes 24-25, 31: Works not included

    • Dossiers on individual works organized thematically

    Box 26-40, 45, 49-52: Documentation

    • Watercolors and other documents
    • Photographs
    • Documentation on locations painted by Lebourg
    • Sales
    • Photocopies of primary sources
    • Collections
    • Sales 

    Boxes 41-44, 46-48: Publications

    • Correspondence
    • Exhibition catalogues
  • Dates: c. 1980s

    Extent: 3 archival boxes

    Archives related to the publication of: Lada Nikolenko. Pierre Mignard, the portrait painter of the Grand Siècle. Munich: Nitz Verlarg, 1982.

    Dossiers on paintings (portraits of men and women) organized alphabetically:

    • Box 1: A–F
    • Box 2: G–Mai
    • Box 3: M–Z
  • Dates: c. 1920s

    Extent: 3 archival boxes

    Archive related to the following publication: Georges Wildenstein. Louis Moreau Un peintre de paysage au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, 1923.

    Box 1: Research and correspondence 

    Box 2: Xerox copy of Paul Prouté, Les eaux-fortes de Louis Moreau l'Aîné; essai de catalogue. Paris: Published by the author, 1956. Correspondence with the author.

    Box 3: Dossiers on paintings organized by subjects (genre scenes and landscapes); dossiers on engravings and eaux-fortes; bibliographical research; letter from The Dixon Gallery.

  • Dates: c. 1920s

    Extent: 2 archival boxes

    Archive related to the following publications:
    Marie-Joseph-François Mahérault. L'œuvre de Moreau le Jeune, catalogue raisonné et descriptif avec notes iconographiques et bibliographiques. Paris: A. Lahitte, 1880.
    Emmanuel Bocher. Catalogue raisonné des estampes, vignettes, eaux-fortes, pièces en couleurs, au bistre et au lavis de Jean-Michel Moreau le Jeune. Paris, 1875.

    Box 1: Dossiers on paintings organized thematically

    • Men, women, children
    • Landscapes, cities, Paris, London, and promenades
    • Classical subjects
    • Parties (revolution, history, revues)
    • Theater scenes (the crowning of Voltaire)
    • Documentation (A. Moureau, Les Moreau, Paris: Librart, s.d.; engravings on the gospel after Moreau le Jeune; Monument au costume physique et moral de la fin du XVIIIe siècle ou tableaux de la vie figurés, dessinés et gravés par Moreau le Jeune, Paris: Guérinet; sales catalogues)

    Box 2: Reproductions of engravings

  • Dates: c. 1920–1990

    Extent: 3 archival boxes

    Georges Wildenstein began to document the work of Jean-Marc Nattier for a catalogue raisonné project in 1920 and continued this work until his death in 1963. The project was picked up by Daniel Wildenstein and Raymond Cogniat but the catalogue was never published. However, Georges Wildenstien published the following study: Georges Wildenstein. Sur un portrait peint par Nattier. Paris: Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1961.

    Box 1: Manuscript, part 1 (Raymond Cogniat’s introduction, 1967); Manuscript, part 2 (Nattier and his contemporaries); Manuscript, part 3 (documents); Correspondence with printer and Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1965–1967); Correspondence with museums and notes on works

    Box 2: Full revised manuscript 

    • First section on mythology, religious history, and allegories; second section on portraits organized alphabetically: A–Fo, Fre–Z , and anonymous sitters
    • Notices no. 1–98
    • Notices no. 100–199
    • Notices no. 200–283
    • Index of attributes, list of mythological subjects
    • Sales catalogues research, 1980–1990
    • File on documents to be photographed at Sir Robert Witt, 1928

    Box 3:  Notices no. 1–95; Notices no. 96–129; Notices no. 130–149; Notices no. 150–192; Notices no. 193–256 “G. V.;” Notices no. 259–309; Notices no. 310–389 and anonymous; Index

  • Dates: c. 1910–1942
    Extent: 5 archival boxes

    Archives related to the publication of: Jean Locquin. Catalogue raisonné de l'œuvre de Jean-Baptiste Oudry, peintre du roi. Paris: J Schemit, 1912.

    Box 1: Dossiers on works of art (decorations, drawings, theft, bibliographical research)

    Box 2: Dossiers on paintings organized thematically and tapisseries

    Box 3: Auction research files, 1737–1844

    Box 4: Auction research files, 1845–1886

    Box 5: Auction research files, 1887–1942

  • Dates: c. 1920s
    Extent: 6 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Florence Ingersoll-Smouse. Pater. Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, Édition d’études et de documents, 1928.

    Box 1: Personal documents and bibliographical references

    Box 2: Research on exhibitions and sales, 18th–20th centuries and correspondence

    Box 3: Dossiers on paintings organized thematically (pastoral scenes, hunting scenes and animals, military scenes, literary subjects, misc. subjects, portraits of men and women, four seasons, works after Watteau)

    Box 4: Dossiers on paintings organized thematically (theater, country scenes, galant scenes, meals, dances, games, bathers)

    Box 5: Dossiers on paintings not included organized thematically, works under study, attributed to Pater, workshop of Pater)

    Box 6: Dossiers on drawings

  • Dates: c. 1920–1990s
    Extent: 5 archival boxes

    Archive related to the Master thesis: Guillaume Glorieux and Antoine Schnapper. Pierre Antoine Quillard (1701–1733): Peintures, Sculptures, et Gravures. Paris: Université de Paris-IV Sorbonne, 1995.

    Box 1: Documentation on Quillard and the Louvre forgeries (1927–1932); materials on or from Espezel; correspondence with Bobone; publications excerpts and reports

    Box 2: Dossiers on paintings and drawings, documentation on Quillard and the Louvre forgeries

    Box 3: Documentation on Quillard and the Louvre forgeries

    Box 4: Documentation on Quillard and the Louvre forgeries

    Box 5: Documentation on Quillard and the Louvre forgeries

  • Dates: undated
    Extent: 2 archival boxes

    Box 1: Dossiers on paintings organized thematically
    Portraits of identified women, unidentified women, including one Ceres
    Group portraits
    Portraits of unidentified men

    Dossiers on drawings organized thematically
    Details, draperies, hands, armors
    Portraits of men

    Box 2: Dossiers on paintings (portraits of identified men, organized alphabetically)

  • The Hubert Robert Research Archives contains documents and dossiers on paintings compiled by Joseph Baillio and Odile Poncet for a catalogue raisonné project directed by the Wildenstein Institute discontinued in 2016. The catalogue raisonné was however never published. The collection offers a comprehensive look at Hubert's oeuvre, and contain excerpts from international exhibition catalogues, publications, and auction records. Other materials include administrative records, correspondence, photographs, news articles, as well as research dossiers on paintings.

    Extent: 57 linear feet

    Series I: Bibliographic material

    The Bibliographic material series contains reproductions or excerpts from various publications such as exhibition catalogues, monographs, thematic publications, and periodicals. The publications are arranged alphabetically, with a dedicated folder for periodicals.

    Box 25: A; Anonymous; Art index; B; Bibliography to file; C; D; E; F; G; H

    Box 21: I; J; K; L; M; Museums; N; Notes on Robert's bibliography
    NYPL, Research Libraries Dictionary Catalogue (through 1971); O; P; R; Répertoire d'Art et d'Archéologie; S; T; U; V; W; Z

    Box 22: Periodicals

    Box 24: Periodicals; Biographical information

    Series II: Correspondence

    The Correspondence series contains letters, faxes and email exchanges between the catalogue raisonné team and museums, universities, galleries, or private collectors. The series also contains research notes and documents collected by the catalogue raisonné team. These materials are arranged alphabetically by the sender's last name.

    Boxes 3–5: A; B; Joseph Baillio; C; Correspondence to file; D; Documents found at Versailles c. 2000; E; F; France; G; H; I; Index cards; Individuals interested in the date of publication of the catalogue raisonné; J; K; L; List of photographs of Robert's paintings; M; Museum and universities; N; Notebooks; O; Others; P; Q; R; S; Gregg Schmitt; T; U; United States; V; W; Daniel Wildenstein and Guy Wildenstein; Wildenstein London; Wildenstein Paris; Wildenstein Tokyo; X; Y; Z

    Box 24: Research (Wildenstein Institute, Paris)

    Box 28: Research (Wildenstein Institute, Paris)

    Series III: Drawings

    The Drawings series contains individual research dossiers on Robert's drawings. The drawings have been organized in 55 themes arranged alphabetically.

    Box 28: Arches, architectural vaults, and  interiors of temples; Natural arches; Triumphal arches; Artists at work and artist studios; Bathers, baths, pools, and thermae; Swings and seesaws; Caprices; Waterfalls with and without round temples; Cellars; Castles; Columns, colonnades and arcades; Domes and cupolas; Demolitions, excavations, and constructions

    Box 32: Churches and cloisters; Piers and wharves; Hermits, beggars and preachers; Staircases; Figures and portraits; Fountains and troughs [without water features]; France; Caves; Fires; Floods; Laocoon; Laundresses; Louvre; Salons; Italian villas and casinos

    Box 33: Italian villas and casinos [continued]; Markets; Mills; Museums (except Louvre); Obelisks; Orange trees; Parks, gardens, and terraces; Paris monuments (except Louvre); Pavilions and small temples; Landscapes; Fishermen; Bridges; Wells

    Box 34: Pyramids; Rome: View i.e. Colosseum, Pantheon, and Saint Peter's; Scenes (i.e. prison, theater, concert, dances, games, historical, marines, religious, night views, rustic); Statues and vases; By shape (i.e. oval, circular…); Drawings on both sides; Series by shape 

    Box 35: Statues and vases [continued]; Equestrian statues; Temples;  Ruins; Round temples

    Box 36: Series by shape [continued]; Pictures of Hubert Robert by other artists; Misc.; Works wrongly attributed to Robert

    Box 37: Tombs; Torrents [see also waterfalls]; Towers; Herds and livestock; Versailles; Still lives; By shape [continued]; Not by Hubert Robert

    Series IV: Exhibitions

    The Exhibition series contain research files on monographic and group exhibitions of Robert's work from c. 1760–2016. The materials are arranged chronologically with the exception of the following three thematic files: "Exhibitions to file," "Salons," and "Works described but not reproduce, only mentioned, or mention of Robert."

    Box 1: 1700-1799; 1800-1900; 1900–1909; 1910–1919; 1920–1929; 1930–1939; 1940–1949; 1950–1959; Salons; Works described, not reproduced, only mentioned by, or a mention of Robert; Undated Exhibitions; Exhibitions, to be filed

    Box 2: 1960–1969; 1970–1979; 1980–1989; 1990–1999

    Box 3: 2000–2009; 2010–2017

    Series V: Museum collections (paintings)

    The Museum collection (paintings) series contains documentation about Robert's paintings in the collections of museums. The files are arranged by the museum's location, either by city or country. The files for Vaduz, Valleta, Vicenza, Castle Velké Losiny, Vienna, Warsaw, and Zagreb have been moved in the Europe (except France) file.

    Box 10: Algiers; Russia; Museums other

    Box 11: Europe (except France); Jerusalem; Minsk, Bielorussia; Montreal; Nagoya, Japan; Ottawa; Sydney; Tokyo; Yerevan, Armenia

    Box 19: Museum Collections other than United States, France and Russia [continued]; United States; France [Louvre, Part 1]

    Box 29: France

    Box 30: France [Louvre, Part 1]

    Box 31: United States; France [Louvre, Part 2]

    Series VI: Paintings

    Box 7: Arches, architectural vaults, and interiors of temples

    Box 8: Natural arches; Triumphal arches; Artists at work and artist studios; Plates and porcelain objects; Bathers, baths, pools, and thermae; Swings and seesaws; Caprices; Waterfalls; Cellars; Castles (unidentified); Columns, colonnades, and arcades

    Box 9: Domes and cupolas; Demolitions, excavations, and constructions; Churches and chapels; Piers and wharfs; Hermits, fishermen, and beggars; Staircases; Figures and portraits; Fountains and troughs (without water features); France (without Paris and Versailles); Caves; Fires

    Box 12: Floods; Laocoon; Laundresses; Louvre; Salons; Italian villas and casinos; Markets; Mills; Museums (except Louvre); Obelisks; Orange trees

    Box 13: Parks, gardens, terraces (and water features); Paris (except Louvre); Pavilions and small temples; Landscapes; Fishermen; Bridges

    Box 14: Wells; Pyramids; Rome (i.e. Coliseum, Pantheon, Saint Peter's); Scenes (i.e. prison, theater, concert, dances, games, historical, marines, religious, night views, rustic); Statues and vases; Equestrian statues; Temples and ruins

    Box 15: Temples and ruins [continued]; Round temples; Tombs; Torrents [see waterfalls]; Towers; Herds, livestock, and animals; Versailles; Still lifes; Mountain trails; Gouaches; Circular or oval-shaped paintings (except pendants or series); Curved paintings and chantournes

    Box 16: Circular or oval-shaped paintings (except pendants or series) [continued]; Pendants

    Box 17: Pendants [continued]

    Box 18: Pendants [continued]; Series

    Box 20: Series; Paintings representing Hubert Robert by other artists; Misc.; Paintings depicting works by Hubert Robert; Paintings wrongly attributed to Robert

    Box 23 [oversized materials]: Paintings Grand Format, Folder 38/1495 removed from Box 7

    Box 26 [oversized materials]: Mixed themes paintings

    Box 27: Oversize: Bibliographic - Documents Grand Format; Paintings (No number, not inventoried); Drawings

  • Dates: c. 1920s
    Extent: 3 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Emile Dacier. Gabriel de Saint-Aubin: peintre, dessinateur et graveur (1724-1780). Paris: G. Van Oest, 1929.

    Box 1 and 2: Five binders containing black and white photographs and research materials

    Box 3: Three binders containing black and white photographs and research materials, one labeled “Theater and coliseum”

  • Dates: unknown
    Extent: 31 archival boxes

    This material was assembled for the publication of: François Daulte and Charles Durand-Ruel. Alfred Sisley: Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint. Paris: Editions Durand-Ruel, 1959.

    Boxes 1-4, 27-31: Documentation

    • Exhibitions
    • Sales
    • Pastels
    • Prints
    • Documents
    • Chronology
    • Genealogy
    • Iconography
    • Inventory
    • Photographs

    Boxes 5-26: Dossiers on artworks

    • Included, organized by artwork catalogue number (1 to 884)
    • Not-included
    • Supplement
  • Dates: c. 1920s
    Extent: 1 archival box

    Archive related to the publication of: Comte Arnaud Doria. Louis Tocqué. Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, 1929.

    Box 1: Works organized by theme

  • Dates: c. 1920s
    Extent: 6 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Albert Besnard. La Tour: la vie et l'œuvre de l’artiste. Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, 1928.

    Box 1: Bibliographical materials: Champfleury, La Tour, Paris, Rouam, 1886; Desmaze, 1853, 1873; Champfleury, Paris, 1855; Fleury (Élie), 1911, 1929; Exposition des pastels de M Q. de la Tour (1704-1788) appartenant au Musée de Saint-Quentin et au Musée du Louvre organisé au profit de l'École de dessin de Saint-Quentin 12 août-25 septembre 1930, s.l, s.n ; Dréolle (Ernest), Éloge biographique de Maurice-Quentin de La Tour: peintre du roi Louis XV, conseiller de l’académie royale de peinture et de sculpture de Paris, membre honoraire de l’Académie des Sciences et Belles-Lettres d’Amiens suivi de notes et documents historiques, Paris, Amyot, 1856 ; Beaudemont (mile), Éloge de Maurice-Quentin Delatour : peintre de Louis XV dédié à Monsieur Émile Lefranc, Saint-Quentin: impr. Cottenest, 1856; Lecocq (Georges), Documents inédits sur M.-Q. de La Tour: publiés d'après les Archives municipales, St. Quentin: Imp. Ch. Rocette,1876; articles from various periodicals including Gazette des Beaux-arts.

    Box 2: Reproductions of works by other artists (i.e. Quillard Watteau); loge historique de M. Maurice-Quentin de La Tour, 1789; notes on the exhibition of French pastels; documentation (Pages d'art, 12/1923, Staring (A.), Maurice Quentin La Tour en Hollande, Paris: Gazette des Beaux-arts, 1924; notes on Aved by Georges Wildenstein); administrative files

    Box 3: Dossiers on paintings included in the catalogue (women) and non-included paintings

    Box 4: Dossiers on paintings included in the catalogue (men including Black men) and non-included paintings

    Box 5: Dossiers on paintings included in the catalogue (military personnel; religious personnel; kings; studies of hands; self-portraits) and non-included paintings of unidentified men

    Box 6: Press clippings and reproductions of artworks

  • Dates: c. 1936–1975
    Extent: 30 boxes

    The materials in this collection were assembled by the Italian art historian and critic Lionello Venturi (1885–1961) for research on the following artists: Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry, Giovanni Boldini, Alexandre Cabanel, Francesco Giuseppe Casanova, Paul Cézanne, Gustave Courbet, Honoré Daumier, Edgar Degas, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.

    Box 1: Cézanne, Landscapes

    Box 2: Cézanne, Landscapes

    Box 3: Cézanne, Landscapes and flowers

    Box 4: Cézanne, Still lives

    Box 5: Cézanne, Still lives

    Box 6: Cézanne, Portraits

    Box 7: Cézanne, Portraits

    Box 8: Cézanne, Groups of two or more figures and nudes

    Box 9: Cézanne, Various subjects

    Box 10: Cézanne, Bibliographical references

    Box 11: Cézanne, collectors

    Box 12: Cézanne, index cards with thumbnails

    Box 13: Cézanne, Photographies

    Box 1: Courbet, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

    Box 2: Courbet, Landscapes, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

    Box 3: Courbet, Landscapes, Bathers, Nudes, Portraits, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

    Box 4: Courbet, Marines, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

    Box 1: Daumier, Paintings, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

    Box 2: Daumier, Drawings, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

    Box 1: Baudry

    Box 1: Toulouse-Lautrec

    Box 2: Toulouse-Lautrec

    Box 3: Toulouse-Lautrec

    Box 4: Toulouse-Lautrec, Correspondence regarding the publication on Toulouse-Lautrec by Fabbri

    Box 5: Toulouse-Lautrec, index card reproducing information from Maurice Joyant’s catalogue

    Box 1: Boldini, Bibliographical references

    Box 1: Degas, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

    Box 1: Cabanel, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

    Box 1: Casanova, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

    Box 2: Casanova, Bibliographical references, Public Collections, Auctions, Exhibitions

  • Dates: c. 1980s
    Extent: 3 archival boxes

    Archive related to the publication of: Anne-Marie Passez. Antoine Vestier 1740–1824. Paris: Fondation Wildenstein and Bibliothèque des Arts, 1989.

    Box 1: Administrative files (manuscripts, quotes from printers, collectors lists, bibliography)

    Box 2: Dossiers on paintings, drawings, and miniatures

    Box 3: Works under consideration

  • Dates: unknown
    Extent: 2 archival boxes

    Box 1: Documentation related to the publication of Georges Wildenstein. Œuvres romaines de François-André Vincent, peintre du roi, un essai de Liber Veritatis retrouvé et publié par Georges Wildenstein. Paris: Les Beaux-Arts, 1938.

    Box 2: Research materials

  • Dates: unknown
    Extent: 56 archival boxes

    The materials in this collection were assembled by the Wildenstein Institute for catalogue raisonné research. The catalogue was however never published.

    Box 1: Documentation organized by theme (games, genre scenes, mythology, religious subjects, theater)

    Box 2: Documentation organized by theme (bathing scenes, hunting scenes, concerts, dances)

    Box 3: Documentation organized by theme (arabesques, chinoiseries, “singeries,” portraits, interior and exterior scenes)

    Box 4: Documentation organized by theme (unclassified subjects, literary subjects)

    Box 5: Drawings (sales, exhibitions, museums)

    Box 6: Drawings

    Box 7: Drawings (women laying down or seated, busts, heads of women)

    Box 8: Drawings (men standing up or seated, “Oriental” men, Black men, armed forces, heads of men)

    Box 9: Drawings (Full length women, standing or seated)

    Box 10: Drawings (Full length men, standing, busts, characters from the Commedia dell’Arte)

    Box 11: Drawings: Various scenes, landscapes, animals, children, studies of hands and draperies)

    Box 12: Drawings (religion, mythology, works after other artists, a woman and a man, numerous heads of men, women, groups)

    Box 13: Engravings, dossiers no. 1–13

    Box 14: Engravings, dossiers no. 14–27

    Box 15: Engravings, dossiers no. 28–40

    Box 16: Engravings, dossiers no. 41–77

    Box 17: Engravings, dossiers no. 78–101

    Box 18: Engravings, dossiers no. 102–110

    Box 19: Engravings, dossiers no. 111–115

    Box 20: Engravings, dossiers no. 116–127

    Box 21: Engravings, dossiers no. 128–144

    Box 22: Engravings, dossiers no. 145–157

    Box 23: Engravings, dossiers no. 158–178

    Box 24: Engravings, dossiers no. 179–205

    Box 25: Engravings, dossiers no. 206–223

    Box 26: Engravings, dossiers no. 224–269

    Box 27: Engravings, dossiers no. 270–293

    Box 28: Engravings, dossiers no. 294–317

    Box 29: Engravings, dossiers no. 318–345

    Box 30: “No engraved” works, dossiers no. 1–18

    Box 31: “No engraved” works, dossiers no. 19–26 ter

    Box 32: “No engraved” works, dossiers no. 27–35

    Box 33: Paintings not included (decorations, religious subjects, mythology, history, theater, military scenes)

    Box 34: Paintings not included (landscapes, pastoral paintings, concerts)

    Box 35: Paintings not included (portraits, included after other artists)

    Box 36: Various texts

    Box 37: Index cards

    Box 38: Documents

    Box 39: Correspondence, chronology

    Box 40: Bibliography

    Box 41: “Not engraved” works, dossiers no. 1–100 (Émile Dacier, Albert Vuaflart, Jacques Herold. Jean de Julienne et les Graveurs de Watteau au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Publications de la Société pour l'Étude de la Gravure Française à l'occasion du Bi-Centenaire de la mort de Watteau, Pour les Membres de la Société, Maurice Rousseau Libraire, 1922)

    Box 42: “Not engraved” works, dossiers no. 101–200 (Émile Dacier, Albert Vuaflart, Jacques Hérold. Jean de Julienne et les Graveurs de Watteau au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Publications de la Société pour l'Étude de la Gravure Française à l'occasion du Bi-Centenaire de la mort de Watteau, Pour les Membres de la Société, Maurice Rousseau Libraire, 1922)

    Box 43: “Not engraved” works, dossiers no. 201–342 (Émile Dacier, Albert Vuaflart, Jacques Hérold. Jean de Julienne et les Graveurs de Watteau au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Publications de la Société pour l'Étude de la Gravure Française à l'occasion du Bi-Centenaire de la mort de Watteau, Pour les Membres de la Société, Maurice Rousseau Libraire, 1922)

    Box 44: Watteau’s circle

    Box 45: Watteau’s circle

    Box 46: Watteau’s circle

    Box 47: Large reproductions of works (paintings and drawings)

    Box 48: Research from sales catalogues 1910–1920 (drawings, pastels, paintings, miniatures)

    Box 49: Drawings, research from sales catalogues by subjects

    Box 50: Research from sales catalogues by subjects (couples, conversations, pastoral scenes, villages, landscapes, ice skating scenes, water scenes, parcs, meals)

    Box 51: Research from sales catalogues, 18th century

    Box 52: Research from periodicals

    Box 53: Research from books

    Box 54: Research from exhibition catalogues

    Box 55: Correspondence regarding the publication of the catalogue

    Box 56: Large photographic reproductions of works

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